Unique contact with your target audience

Newsletter - your personal communication channel

Using newsletters as part of your marketing strategy gives you a unique way to stay in touch with existing, past and potential customers. We recommend that you advertise relatively quickly through different channels, targeting more people to sign up to your newsletter.

At DKNO Partners, we offer to help you get started with newsletters. Among other things, we can help your company with:

  • to compose newsletters
  • setting up newsletters in selected systems
  • Create statistics and continuously optimize the newsletters
  • to set up lead advertising to get subscriptions to the newsletters.
  • Developing graphics and setting them up in the newsletters

Why choose newsletter?

A newsletter is a direct and personal way to reach your potential and existing customers. Unlike Facebook and your website, which your customers may not visit every day, the newsletter lands directly in their inbox.

With a newsletter, you can easily track how many people open it, who clicks on links and you can keep detailed statistics on recipient engagement. This gives you valuable insight into what your customers are interested in and how they interact with your content.

The newsletter is your own channel, which means you have full control over how and when your content is presented. You don't have to worry about changes in algorithms or display methods like on social media. This ensures that your messages always reach your target audience in the way you want.